Gold Rush Continues for Para-Badminton as Garuv Khanna Sets Eyes on Paris 2024

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While the majority of the nation has been charmed in watching the IPL, there are some discussing whether India can at last win the Thomas Cup, and the most recent insight about Asian games being delayed by a year is consuming the leftover avid supporters in the country.

Be that as it may, the juggernaut of Indian para-badminton keeps on destroying past different nations, pulverizing all resistance to bits. Over the most recent five years, India’s para-badminton players have won 485 worldwide decorations which incorporate 157 gold awards.

What’s more, in charge of this exceptional achievement is the one name that is presently become renowned all around the universe of para-sports, Gaurav Khanna the main mentor of Indian para Badminton. This Dronacharya awardee merits a Padma Bhushan for his humungous endeavors.

As the para crew prepares to play, BWF second level competitions in Dubai and Bahrain and level 1 in Canada, Gaurav feels the going is great however parts more is to be finished.

The primary thing that has become normal is the colossal contingents that go for the para competitions. For instance, he anticipates a gathering of 40 players for Dubai and Bahrain. Also, in Canada which is a level one BWF occasion where you go on world rankings, he feels that no less than 25 players will go. Yet, it must be extravagant. So who pays for it?

Says Gaurav, “Well it is costly no question except for there are a lot of backers these days to assist. A few players are helped by the public authority and some by the NGOs or private area support. So aside from the Sports service and TOPs plan, we have OGQ, Go Sports, Well Spun, Reliance Sports, and other people who presently are exceptionally useful. So enough assistance is out there for my group. Furthermore, you are correct we truly do go as a major group.

“For instance, we are headed toward Dubai and Bahrain soon. These are level 2 competitions and closest to India; in addition, players finish arrangements here so they know which classification they will be opened in to contend in. So I won’t be astonished assuming we are 40-50 in number here. Furthermore, in any event, for Canada – a level 1 occasion – we might have up to 35-40 or something like that. Also, another justification for why our contingents are high is the ground that we have numerous characterizations for every class. For instance, in men’s singles, there are numerous classifications like SL3, SL4, SL5, WH1, WH2, and SS6-an aggregate of six characterizations. So you include different occasions like pairs or ladies’ singles and you have a unit strength. For that reason, our numbers appear to be large.”

The other perspective that he is clear about is the wheelchair issue. We are great in any remaining classifications, yet in wheelchair occasions, there is a lacking thing. So the issue lies with what?

Investigations Gaurav, “The principal issue is that our players can’t buy the top class hardware required which at 13-15 lakhs are extravagant. In any case, these seats, weighing around, 4-5 kgs are so natural to move and wander. Our young men utilize the seats weighing 12-14 kgs and are no match.

I have asked our parent body PCI to investigate this perspective. Perhaps the games service can help. Or on the other hand, some organizations in the vehicle area can do a marvel and through R&D concoct an answer. For our situation, we might be a preferable player over the Chinese, Japanese, or Koreans however we get beaten by the hardware. We are slower in court given the weighty seat. The man/machine mix routs us. Stroke-wise, game-wise we are equivalent, while possibly worse. That is such a disgrace. Be that as it may, we have begun to show our assurance and class even with heavier seats.”

At Brazil global in Sao Paolo last month we got a singles silver through Prem Kumar and a bronze through Ammu Mohan. Also, interestingly, we have in Prem Kumar a noteworthy world no.4. So the starting to begin winning has previously come on target.

Yet, we additionally need to utilize better innovation to make the wheelchair in India. Gaurav is in contact with a Japanese firm to emerge with an answer by enhancing an athletic wheelchair that is light in weight and light on pockets.

Indian para endeavors and consistent winning of decorations/titles are taken a gander at with envy by the other partaking nations. They are additionally putting forth attempts to challenge this appearing restraining infrastructure by India. Is India undermined by a specific country?

“No, says Gaurav, “We have no challengers. Unquestionably, a few nations are improving, however, so are we working on each part of the game. Our preparation is nonstop and requested. We raise our bar and afterward attempt to arrive at a higher and better one. The main issue we have is the wheelchair occasions. Be that as it may, there it’s anything but an absence of attempting yet not having the right machine to push us forward. With regards to strokes, court art, and comprehension of the game we are the best in class. All of my crew needs to win awards for India. We are eager to carry more greatness to the country.”

So we are blissful in our space. With no test not too far off from some other country. However, we must be extremely careful, exceptionally careful about different nations attempting to overturn us. We won’t yield with such ease.

Para badminton is turning out to be increasingly famous. The players have become truly well known and his institute is having countless players making use. What’s more, the decorations pull in global occasions are likewise adding to the picture. What are the reasons? The central mentor is clear in his reasoning, saying,” I contribute this flood in fame to two principal factors. First was the way that India won numerous decorations including the gold at Tokyo Paralympics and these matches were displayed on National TV. The nation out of nowhere stopped to see and comprehend for itself that the nation didn’t win numerous decorations in standard games, yet the obscure, unfathomable Indian paras won a modest bunch.

The champs became famous and names like Pramod Bhagat, Krishna Nagar, Manoj Sircar, Palak Kohli, and so on become commonly recognized names. Colossal gatherings, and felicitations, headed by, as a matter of fact, PM Modi himself, followed all around the country. The medalists were granted similar money and honors as the abled competitors. ”

The media went haywire and for a long time the para champions were on each page, their battles and accomplishments chronicled everywhere. Their heroics arrived at society overall and youths in many impaired classes understood that they could have a profession in para-badminton.

There was an enormous interest shown all around the country. Numerous youths joined and Khanna is as yet getting calls from a lot more to join. “I don’t have a place now in my institute. I feel sorry I can’t oblige more. In any case, I can’t simply take in an amount over quality.”

Yet, the truth of the matter is that the reaction to the ability to chase has been overpowering, simply demonstrating how famous para-badminton has become throughout the long term. This fame can likewise be measured by the way that last year’s para-public title had 400 or more sections when contrasted with only two years before when the coordinators attempted to get even 80-90 passages. “It is presently turning into an issue of bounty. The way that we hit features routinely for winning can brim with decorations likewise helps in making us increasingly well known,” says a happy Gaurav.

So what is the eventual fate of our para players in 2022/23 and the exceptionally significant 2024 Paris Paralympics?

According to Khanna, “This year will be tied in with becoming accustomed to the BWF circuit and with different degrees of competitions, the fundamental competitors and rivals whom we will confront once the passing year for the Paris Paralympics start from April one year from now.”

The lead trainer predicts an amazing ten awards from para-badminton and demands that this is a practical number. Most amazing is his declaration that regardless of the wheelchair issue he is positive that we will get an award in this classification too.

“I additionally expect a gold platform finish for Krishna Nagar and Nitya Shree in blended pairs. My forecasts for 10 decorations might appear to be unrealistic to everything except I talk after perceiving how this pair has taken care of business against the resistance that I have explored. I have likewise seen incredible potential in a portion of the new players who have joined the gathering. Like Mandeep Kaur, Manisha, and Nitya Shree. I won’t name others however they will take care of business by the following year. We possess energy for Paris.”

So Khanna is exceptionally peppy about the future and is very content with the new ability that had been uncovered. He says gladly that he is now anticipating the Paralympics of 2028 and 2032. Furthermore, he has one more objective arranged. 1,000 awards in the following three years – And what difference would it make. He is on an adjusted winning binge. Also, for India, this is the best information.

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